Void Chat is a small application which use JavaFX for a GUI chat application.
Client Features:
- Signin or signup as a first time user
- Add friends.
- Showing Online/offline status of clients on the contacts list.
- User notification when another user become online.
- Ability to set status (online- offline- busy)
- Accept and ignore Friend request.
- Ability to conduct ont to one chat or chat group.
- Ability to save a chat session.
- Ability to transfer files.
- Provide a feature to categorize the names under ategories (friends and family)*.
- Provide a facility for offline test message*.
- Allow clients to send email to each other*.
- Allow the user to block certain clients*.
- Signout.
Server Freatures:
- Ability to start / stop the server.
- Allow users to signup and store their information.
- Accept connections and store information about client’s status.
- Ability to send an annoucement message to all online users.
- show some statistics about users (status, genders)
- Show all client’s info from the DB in a tabulation form with updating option*.
How To Run Void Chat:
- Run VoidChatServer.jar.
- Open Control tab and Click on Start button to start server.
- Run VoidChatClient.jar.
- Connect to the server Using IP Address of the server machine .
- then Create an account or login if you have already account.
NOW you can create an account
login with your user name and password
Home Page
create new group
one to one chat
send email
Technology we used in our Application :
javaSE - javaFX - RMI - XML - JAXBAPI - XSLT - HTML\CSS - TrayNotificationAPI - SQLite DataBase - java mail API
VoidChat Team
- Merna Ismail
- Mustafa Mohamed
- Mohamed Motyim
- Romisaa Attia
For ITI Intake 37